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Using the interactive Dask Cluster Client

  • This example demonstrates how to connect to the Practicus AI Dask cluster we created, and execute simple Dask operations.
  • Please run this example on the Dask Coordinator (master).
import practicuscore as prt 

# Let's get a Dask session
client = prt.distributed.get_client()
# And execute some code
import dask.array as da

print("Starting calculation.")

x = da.random.random((10000, 10000), chunks=(1000, 1000))
result = (x + x.T).mean(axis=0).compute()

print("Completed calculation. Results:", result)

Dask Dashboard

Practicus AI Dask offers an interactive dashboard where you can view execution details. Let's open the dashboard.

dashboard_url = prt.distributed.open_dashboard()

print("Page did not open? You can open this url manually:", dashboard_url)
# Let's execute the same code
import dask.array as da

print("Starting calculation.")

x = da.random.random((10000, 10000), chunks=(1000, 1000))
result = (x + x.T).mean(axis=0).compute()

print("Completed calculation. Results:", result)

Now you should see in real-time the execution details in a view similar to the below.

Dask Dashboard

Terminating the cluster

  • You can go back to the other worker where you created the cluster to run:

- Or, terminate "self" and children workers with the below:


Previous: Start Cluster | Next: Batch Job > Batch Job