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Flow hosting of Langflow by using Streamlit

First of all we need to create a "Basic Prompting (Hello, World)" flow at langflow and export the json of it.

Define params from region

Information about the user is kept in the region. Below we get the necessary parameters to deploy the app.

import practicuscore as prt
region = prt.get_region()
my_app_prefix_list = region.app_prefix_list
app_prefix = my_app_prefix_list[0].prefix
print("Using first app prefix", app_prefix)
my_app_list = region.app_list
app_name = my_app_list[0].name
print("Using first app name:", app_name)
my_app_settings = region.app_deployment_setting_list
deployment_setting_key = my_app_settings[1].key
print("Using first setting with key:", deployment_setting_key)

STEPS - We put our flow.json file that we exported from langflow in the directory where the ipynb file is located (the directory we are currently working in). - After exporting the json and save it within current directory of this tutorial, you should test it if it's working.

from langflow.load import run_flow_from_json

result = run_flow_from_json(
    input_value="What is the capital of Australia?"

run_output = result[0]
result_data = run_output.outputs[0]
message_obj = result_data.results['message']
message_text =['text']


Unless you stop it, the following cell will remain open and will give a url to this notebook owner can access and test the application

# When you finish test, stop this cell. If you dont stop cell always be open.

We can now create our own stream-lit application and use the api url of our stream in the frontend of stream-lit. is available under Supplementary Files.

After creating/editing we could test it by hosting it as test by using our SDK:

import practicuscore as prt

    app_dir=None # Current dir

After the deployment process completed we could enter UI url (e.g. to show-case our app.

Supplementary Files

import practicuscore as prt
import streamlit as st
from langflow.load import run_flow_from_json

# The below will secure the page by authenticating and authorizing users with Single-Sign-On.
# Please note that security code is only activate when the app is deployed.
# Pages are always secure, even without the below, during development and only the owner can access them.
    page_title="Hello World App",

def main():
    # The below is standard Streamlit code..
    st.title("My App on Practicus AI")

    st.markdown("##### Welcome to the front-end of your flow")

    # Initialize session state to store chat messages if not already initialized.
    if "messages" not in st.session_state:
        st.session_state.messages = []

    # Display all messages stored in session state in the chat interface.
    for message in st.session_state.messages:
        with st.chat_message(message["role"]):

    # When the user inputs a message, add it to the chat history and display it.
    if prompt := st.chat_input("I'm your flow, how may I help you?"):
        # Add user message to chat history
                "role": "user",
                "content": prompt
        # Display user message in chat message container
        with st.chat_message(
        # Display assistant response in chat message container
        with st.chat_message(
            message_placeholder = st.empty()
            with st.spinner(text="Thinking..."):
                assistant_response = generate_response(prompt)
        # Add assistant response to chat history
                "role": "assistant",
                "content": assistant_response

def run_flow(message, flow_json):
    result = run_flow_from_json(flow=flow_json,
                                fallback_to_env_vars=True)  # False by default
    return result

# Function to generate a response from the flow based on the user's input.
def generate_response(prompt):
    # Log the user's question.
    #"question: {prompt}")

    # Run the flow to get the response.
    response = run_flow(message=prompt, flow_json='Flow.json')

    run_output = response[0]
    result_data = run_output.outputs[0]
    message_obj = result_data.results['message']
    message_text =['text']

        # Log and return the assistant's response."answer: {message_obj}")
        return message_text
    except Exception as exc:
        # Log any errors and return a fallback message.
        #logging.error(f"error: {exc}")
        return "Sorry, there was a problem finding an answer for you."

# Run the main function to start the Streamlit app.
if __name__ == "__main__":

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