Bank marketing Sample
A banking company wants to develop a model to predict the customers who will subscribe to time deposits and also wants to reach customers who are likely to subscribe to time deposits by using the call center resource correctly.
In the data set to be studied, variables such as demographic information, balance information and previous campaign information of the customers will be used to predict whether they will subscribe to time deposits.
Using the App - You can open the dataset in the Practicus AI by loading all data - Then in the analysis phase, you can start with profiling the data - Then Graph > Boxplot > Age - Groupby > Age, Job, Balance Mean & Median - Analyze > Graph > Plot -> Job -> Balance Mean Add Layer, Balance Median Add Layer
Using Notebook - You can find detailed preprocessing steps in the notebook made with SDK - The main idea here is that the model is built by filtering the -1s in the pdays variable, that is, they are not included in the model. - In addition, the poutcome variable should be deleted to prevent Data Leakage. - Then the model Feature Selection was selected as 95% and the Setup params were set to fix_imbalance: True.
Defining parameters.
This section defines key parameters for the notebook. Parameters control the behavior of the code, making it easy to customize without altering the logic. By centralizing parameters at the start, we ensure better readability, maintainability, and adaptability for different use cases.
deployment_key = None
prefix = None
model_name = None # Eg. bank_test_1
experiment_tracking_service = None # Eg. MlFlow
If you don't know your prefixes and deployments you can check them out by using the SDK like down below:
assert deployment_key, "Please select a deployment key"
assert prefix, "Please select a prefix"
assert model_name, "Please select a model_name"
assert experiment_tracking_service, "Please select an experiment tracking service, or skip this cell"
data_conn = {
"connection_type": "WORKER_FILE",
"file_path": "/home/ubuntu/samples/bank_marketing.csv"
proc = worker.load(data_conn)
text_col_list=['marital', 'default', 'housing', 'loan', ],
dummy_option='Drop First Dummy',
text_col_list=['job', 'education', 'contact', 'month', 'deposit', ],
Building a model using AutoML
The below code is generated. You can update the code to fit your needs, or re-create it by building a model with Practicus AI app first and then view it's jupter notebook oncethe model building is completed.
from pycaret.classification import ClassificationExperiment, load_model, predict_model
exp = ClassificationExperiment()
experiment_name = 'Bank-marketing'
prt.experiments.configure(service_name=experiment_tracking_service, experiment_name=experiment_name)
exp.setup(data=df, target='deposit', session_id=7272,
log_experiment=True, experiment_name=experiment_name, **setup_params)
loaded_model = load_model('model')
predictions = predict_model(loaded_model, data=df)
# Deploy to current Practicus AI region
model_dir=None # Current dir
Prediction by using model API
region = prt.current_region()
# *All* Practicus AI model APIs follow the below url convention
api_url = f"{region.url}/{prefix}/{model_name}/"
# Important: For effective traffic routing, always terminate the url with / at the end.
print("Model REST API Url:", api_url)
# We will be using using the SDK to get a session token.
# To learn how to get a token without the SDK, please view 05_others/tokens sample notebook
token = prt.models.get_session_token(api_url)
print("API session token:", token)
import requests
import pandas as pd
headers = {
'authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
'content-type': 'text/csv'
data_csv = df.to_csv(index=False)
r =, headers=headers, data=data_csv)
if not r.ok:
raise ConnectionError(f"{r.status_code} - {r.text}")
from io import BytesIO
pred_df = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(r.content))
print("Prediction Result:")
Prediction by using SDK
column_names=['Buildgnage', 'job', 'education', 'balance', 'contact', 'day', 'month',
'duration', 'campaign', 'pdays', 'previous', 'deposit',
'marital_married', 'marital_single', 'default_yes', 'housing_yes',
Supplementary Files
def label_encoder(df, text_col_list: list[str] | None = None):
Applies label encoding to specified categorical columns or all categorical columns in the dataframe if none are specified.
:param text_col_list: Optional list of column names to apply label encoding. If None, applies to all categorical columns.
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()
# If text_col_list is provided, use it; otherwise, select all categorical columns
if text_col_list is not None:
categorical_cols = text_col_list
categorical_cols = [col for col in df.columns if col.dtype == 'O']
# Apply Label Encoding to each specified (or detected) categorical column
for col in categorical_cols:
# Check if the column exists in the DataFrame to avoid KeyError
if col in df.columns:
df[col] = le.fit_transform(df[col])
print(f"Warning: Column '{col}' not found in DataFrame.")
return df
label_encoder.worker_required = True
from enum import Enum
class DummyOption(str, Enum):
DROP_FIRST = "Drop First Dummy"
KEEP_ALL = "Keep All Dummies"
def one_hot(df, text_col_list: list[str] | None,
max_categories: int = 25, dummy_option: DummyOption = DummyOption.KEEP_ALL,
result_col_suffix: list[str] | None = None, result_col_prefix: list[str] | None = None):
Applies one-hot encoding to specified columns in the DataFrame. If no columns are specified,
one-hot encoding is applied to all categorical columns that have a number of unique categories
less than or equal to the specified max_categories. It provides an option to either drop the
first dummy column to avoid multi collinearity or keep all dummy columns.
:param text_col_list: List of column names to apply one-hot encoding. If None, applies to all
suitable categorical columns.
:param max_categories: Maximum number of unique categories in a column to be included for encoding.
:param dummy_option: Specifies whether to drop the first dummy column (DROP_FIRST) or keep all
:param result_col_suffix: Suffix for the new column where the suppressed data will be stored.
:param result_col_prefix: Prefix for the new column where the suppressed data will be stored.
import pandas as pd
if text_col_list is None:
text_col_list = [col for col in df.columns if df[col].dtype == 'object' and df[col].nunique() <= max_categories]
for col in text_col_list:
dummies = pd.get_dummies(df[col], prefix=(result_col_prefix if result_col_prefix else col),
drop_first=(dummy_option == DummyOption.DROP_FIRST))
dummies = dummies.rename(columns=lambda x: f'{x}_{result_col_suffix}' if result_col_suffix else x)
df = pd.concat([df, dummies], axis=1)
return df
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