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Building and Managing Visual Applications with Practicus AI

Practicus AI enables the development, deployment, and management of secure, enterprise-grade visual applications built on Streamlit. While Streamlit itself is a simple framework for creating interactive, web-based apps, Practicus AI provides enterprise-level features on top of it:

  • Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with LDAP or other enterprise authentication methods.
  • User and Group-Based Customization: Dynamically tailor pages and content based on user roles and permissions.
  • Administrative Pages: Add interfaces to manage users, groups, and application settings.
  • Version and Traffic Management: Seamlessly handle multiple versions of your app, route traffic to staging or production, and roll out changes gradually.

This example demonstrates how to leverage Practicus AI to deploy a basic Streamlit app, integrate it with APIs, and manage it with enterprise security and versioning features.

Sample Streamlit Application Overview

This sample Streamlit application demonstrates a variety of features and best practices for building secure, multi-page apps within the Practicus AI environment. It includes the following components: The main entry point that authenticates and authorizes users, sets a page title, and displays a basic counter. It illustrates how to secure pages in both development and production modes.

pages/: A collection of additional Streamlit pages showcasing different functionalities:

  • A secured child page with its own counter.
  • A non-secured page accessible publicly when deployed.
  • A page demonstrating mixed access levels, where certain sections are only visible to administrators.
  • A page handling cookie creation, retrieval, and deletion.
  • A page displaying application metadata and user details, differing in development vs. deployed scenarios.
  • An admin-only settings page.


  • A simple API endpoint that returns a personalized greeting.

shared/ Contains reusable helper functions for shared logic.

This sample code serves as a reference for building, testing, and deploying secure, multi-page Streamlit apps on Practicus AI, with integrated authentication, logging, and developer-focused features.

Defining parameters.

This section defines key parameters for the notebook. Parameters control the behavior of the code, making it easy to customize without altering the logic. By centralizing parameters at the start, we ensure better readability, maintainability, and adaptability for different use cases.

import practicuscore as prt

region = prt.get_region()
app_deployment_key = None
app_prefix = None

test_app = True

If you don't know your prefixes and deployments you can check them out by using the SDK like down below:

my_app_settings = region.app_deployment_setting_list

print("Application deployment settings I have access to:")
my_app_prefixes = region.app_prefix_list

print("Application prefixes (groups) I have access to:")
assert app_deployment_key, "Please select an app deployment setting."
assert app_prefix, "Please select an app prefix."

Before You Continue

To ensure proper execution, run the code below on a Practicus AI GenAI or a compatible container image. Make sure to use the GenAI Jupyter kernel (the practicus_genai virtual environment).

Testing Applications in Design Time

You can launch a sample Streamlit application directly within the Practicus AI worker to test it before deploying to a Practicus AI AppHost system.

Testing on VS Code

If you are using VS Code, click on the printed URL to view the application.

Testing on Jupyter

If you are using Jupyter, we recommend using Practicus AI Studio, which has built-in GenAI app visualization. After running the code below, navigate to Explore, right-click on the worker, and select GenAI App.

if test_app:

Testing APIs in design time

import apis.say_hello
from apis.say_hello import Person, SayHelloRequest, SayHelloResponse
from pydantic import BaseModel

person = Person(name="Alice", email="")
payload = SayHelloRequest(person=person)

print(issubclass(type(payload), BaseModel))

response: SayHelloResponse = prt.apps.call_api(apis.say_hello, payload)
print("Greeting message:", response.greeting_message)

Deploying the App

Once our development and tests are over, we can deploy the app as a new version.

visible_name = "My First App"
description = "A very useful app.."
icon = "rocket"

app_url, api_url = prt.apps.deploy(

print("Booting UI :", app_url)
print("Booting API:", api_url)

Understanding App Versions

Practicus AI supports multiple app versions and provides different URLs for each environment:

  • Default route: routes to the latest or production version.
  • Specific versions:
  • Production: /prod/
  • Staging: /staging/
  • Latest: /latest/
  • Exact version: /v[version]/
  • For Practicus AI API service mesh dynamically routes to work, place version indicator right after /api/
  • For example:
  • Please note that ../api/say-hello/v4/ or ../api/say-hello/v4/prod/ will not work.
import requests

token = prt.apps.get_session_token(api_url=api_url)
say_hello_api_url = f"{api_url}say-hello/"

headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",
    "content-type": "application/json"

json_data = payload.model_dump_json(indent=2)
print(f"Sending below JSON to: {say_hello_api_url}")

resp =, json=json_data, headers=headers)

if resp.ok:
    print("Response text:")
    response_obj = SayHelloResponse.model_validate_json(resp.text)
    print("Response object:")
    print("Error:", resp.status_code, resp.text)

Deleting Apps or App Versions

You can delete entire apps or specific versions if you have the appropriate permissions:

  • Delete an app: removes all versions.
  • Delete a particular version: cannot delete the latest version.

Permissions can be granted by:

  • Being the app owner.
  • Having admin privileges for the app's prefix.
  • Being a system admin.
print("Listing all apps and their versions I have access to:")
# If you don't know the app_id you can use prefix and app_name
region.delete_app(prefix="apps", app_name="my-first-app")

    # Deleting an app and all it's versions
    # Deleting a particular version of an app
    region.delete_app_version(app_id=123, version=4)

    # If you don't know the app_id you can use prefix and app_name
    region.delete_app_version(prefix="apps", app_name="my-first-app", version=4)

Supplementary Files

import practicuscore as prt
import streamlit as st

from shared.helper import some_function

# The below will secure the page by authenticating and authorizing users with Single-Sign-On.
# Please note that security code is only activate when the app is deployed.
# Pages are always secure, even without the below, during development and only the owner can access them.
    page_title="Hello World App",

# The below is standard Streamlit code..
st.title("My App on Practicus AI")

st.write("This is a text from the code inside the page.")


if 'counter' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.counter = 0

increment = st.button('Increment Counter')
if increment:
    current = st.session_state.counter
    new = current + 1
    st.session_state.counter = new"Increased counter from {current} to {new}")

st.write('Counter = ', st.session_state.counter)


from pydantic import BaseModel

class Person(BaseModel):
    name: str
    email: str | None = None

class SayHelloRequest(BaseModel):
    person: Person

class SayHelloResponse(BaseModel):
    greeting_message: str
    for_person: Person

def run(payload: SayHelloRequest, **kwargs):
    return SayHelloResponse(greeting_message=f"Hello {}", for_person=payload.person)


import practicuscore as prt
import streamlit as st

from shared.helper import some_function

# Child pages must also request to be secured.
# Or else, they will be accessible by everyone after deployment.

    page_title="My first child page",

st.title("My App on Practicus AI")

st.write("Hello from first page!")


if 'page_1_counter' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.page_1_counter = 0

increment = st.button('Increment Counter +2')
if increment:
    st.session_state.page_1_counter += 2

st.write('Counter = ', st.session_state.page_1_counter)


import practicuscore as prt
import streamlit as st

from shared.helper import some_function

# Since this page is not secured, it will be public after deployment.
# During development, it is still only accessible to the owner, and only from Practicus AI Studio.
# If the home page is secured, a public child page will only be accessible if directly requested.
# prt.apps.secure_page(
#     page_title="My second child page"
# )

st.title("My App on Practicus AI")

st.write("Hello from my second page!")
st.write("This page is not secured and will be open to public.")


if 'page_2_counter' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.page_2_counter = 0

increment = st.button('Increment Counter +4')
if increment:
    st.session_state.page_2_counter += 4

st.write('Counter = ', st.session_state.page_2_counter)


import practicuscore as prt
import streamlit as st

    page_title="Mixed content page",

st.title("Mixed content page")

st.write("Everyone will see this part of the page.")
st.write("If you see nothing below, you are not an admin.")

# Only admins will see this
if prt.apps.user_is_admin():
    st.subheader("Admin Section")
    st.write("If you see this part, you are an admin, owner of the app, or in development mode.")

    # Input fields
    admin_input1 = st.text_input("Admin Input 1")
    admin_input2 = st.text_input("Admin Input 2")

    admin_action = st.button('Admin Button')
    if admin_action:
        st.write("Performing some dummy admin action..")


import practicuscore as prt
import streamlit as st

# Secure the page using the provided SDK
    page_title="Using Cookies"

st.title("Cookies Management")

# Inputs for cookie operations
cookie_name = st.text_input("Cookie Name", placeholder="Enter cookie name")
cookie_value = st.text_input("Cookie Value", placeholder="Enter cookie value")
max_age = st.number_input("Max Validity (seconds)", min_value=None, value=None, step=60, placeholder="Leave empty for 30 days")
path = st.text_input("Cookie path", placeholder="Leave empty for /")

# Add Cookie
if st.button("Add Cookie"):
    if cookie_name and cookie_value:
        prt.apps.set_cookie(name=cookie_name, value=cookie_value, max_age=max_age, path=path)
        st.success(f"Cookie '{cookie_name}' has been set!")
        st.error("Please provide both a cookie name and value.")

# Get Cookie Value
if st.button("Get Cookie Value"):
    if cookie_name:
        cookie_value = prt.apps.get_cookie(name=cookie_name)
        if cookie_value:
            st.success(f"The value of cookie '{cookie_name}' is: {cookie_value}")
            st.warning(f"No cookie found with the name '{cookie_name}'.")
        st.error("Please provide a cookie name to retrieve its value.")

# Delete Cookie
if st.button("Delete Cookie"):
    if cookie_name:
        st.success(f"Cookie '{cookie_name}' has been deleted!")
        st.error("Please provide a cookie name to delete.")


import practicuscore as prt
import streamlit as st

    page_title="Application Metadata"

st.title("Application Metadata")

if prt.apps.development_mode():
    st.subheader("Development Mode")
        You are in **development mode**, and application metadata is only available after deploying the app.

        **Developer Information:**
        "Email": prt.apps.get_user_email(),
        "Username": prt.apps.get_username(),
        "User ID": prt.apps.get_user_id(),
    st.subheader("Deployed App Metadata")
    col1, col2 = st.columns(2)

    with col1:
        st.markdown("**Application Details**")
            "Name": prt.apps.get_app_name(),
            "Prefix": prt.apps.get_app_prefix(),
            "Version": prt.apps.get_app_version(),
            "App ID": prt.apps.get_app_id(),

    with col2:
        st.markdown("**User Information**")
            "Email": prt.apps.get_user_email(),
            "Username": prt.apps.get_username(),
            "User ID": prt.apps.get_user_id(),

if st.button("View User Groups"):
    # User groups are cached. If you need reset you can call:
    # reload = True
    # prt.apps.get_user_groups(reload)


import practicuscore as prt
import streamlit as st

# User must have admin privileges to view this page (must_be_admin=True)
    page_title="Settings Page",

st.title("Settings page")

st.write("If you see this, you are an admin, owner of the app, or in development mode.")


def some_function():
    return "And, this text is from a shared function."

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