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Practicus AI Connections

Displaying Available Connections

Below is a quick way to list all available connections you have. Run the code to view your configured data sources, storage endpoints, and other services.

import practicuscore as prt


Creating a New Connection

The conn_conf parameter takes a configuration object from a base class that supports many data sources, including:

  • S3ConnConf
  • SqLiteConnConf
  • MYSQLConnConf
  • PostgreSQLConnConf
  • RedshiftConnConf
  • SnowflakeConnConf
  • MSSQLConnConf
  • OracleConnConf
  • HiveConnConf
  • ClouderaConnConf
  • AthenaConnConf
  • ElasticSearchConnConf
  • OpenSearchConnConf
  • TrinoConnConf
  • DremioConnConf
  • HanaConnConf
  • TeradataConnConf
  • Db2ConnConf
  • DynamoDBConnConf
  • CockroachDBConnConf
  • CustomDBConnConf

Here we use SqLiteConnConf to create a new SQLite connection by providing the database file path.

import practicuscore as prt

_name = "New SQLite Connection"
_conn_conf = prt.connections.SqLiteConnConf(file_path="/home/ubuntu/samples/chinook.db")

new_conn_uuid = prt.connections.create(name=_name, conn_conf=_conn_conf)

Retrieving a Specific Connection

Retrieve an existing connection by UUID or name to reuse previously configured settings without reconfiguring them each time.

import practicuscore as prt

_conn_id_or_name = None
assert _conn_id_or_name is not None

conn = prt.connections.get(_conn_id_or_name)

Updating an Existing Connection

After retrieving a connection, you can update its configuration—changing file paths, credentials, endpoints, or its name. Provide _new_conn_conf and _updated_name to apply the changes.

import practicuscore as prt

_conn_id_or_name = None
assert _conn_id_or_name is not None
conn = prt.connections.get(_conn_id_or_name)

_new_conn_conf = None  # prt.connections.SqLiteConnConf(file_path="/home/ubuntu/samples/chinook.db")
_updated_name = None
assert _new_conn_conf and _updated_name

prt.connections.update(conn_uuid=conn.uuid, name=_updated_name, conn_conf=_new_conn_conf)

Data Upload to S3-Compatible Storage

Upload local data to S3-compatible storage (e.g., Amazon S3, MinIO) using the Practicus SDK. Provide your credentials, region, endpoints, and prefixes as needed. This approach simplifies managing datasets remotely, ensures reproducibility, and makes sharing data easier.

Set the parameters below and run the code to transfer files.

import practicuscore as prt

_aws_access_key_id = None   # AWS Access Key ID or compatible service key
_aws_secret_access_key = None  # AWS Secret Access Key or compatible service secret
_bucket = None  # The name of your target bucket, e.g. "my-data-bucket"

# Ensure that essential parameters are provided
assert _aws_access_key_id and _aws_secret_access_key and _bucket

_aws_session_token = None  # (Optional) AWS session token
_aws_region = None         # (Optional) AWS region
_endpoint_url = None       # (Optional) S3-compatible endpoint (e.g., MinIO)

_prefix = None  # (Optional) Prefix for organizing objects within the bucket
_folder_path = None  # The local folder path with files to upload
_source_path_to_cut = None  # (Optional) Remove a leading folder path portion from object keys

# Ensure the folder path is provided
assert _folder_path

_upload_conf = prt.connections.UploadS3Conf(


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