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Starting an auto-scaled Spark Cluster

  • This example demonstrates how to create, and connect to a Practicus AI Spark auto-scaled cluster, and execute simple Spark operations.

Important note on worker container image

  • Unlike standard Spark cluster, auto-scaled Spark cluster executors have a separate type of container image
  • This means packages accessible to coordinator worker might not be accessible to the executors.
  • To install packages please install to both the coordinator and the executor images and create custom container images.
  • While creating the spark client, you can then pass arguments to specify which executor image to use.

Important note on privileged access

  • For auto-scaled Spark to work, you will need additional privileges on the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Please ask your admin to grant you access to worker size definitions with privileged access before you continue with this example.

Finding an Auto-Scaled (Privileged) Worker Size

Let's identify a worker size that supports auto-scaling and includes the required privileged capabilities for running batch jobs.

import practicuscore as prt

region = prt.get_default_region()
auto_dist_worker_size = None

If you don't know your auto-distributed (privileged) workers you can check them out by using the SDK like down below:

worker_size_list = region.worker_size_list
display(worker_size_list.to_pandas()) # Check auto_distributed col.
assert auto_dist_worker_size, "Please select an auto-distributed (privileged) worker sizes."
# Let's define the distributed features
distributed_config = prt.DistJobConfig(
    job_type = prt.DistJobType.spark,
    # ** The below changes the default cluster behavior **
    # Set the initial size. 
    # These are 'additional` executors to coordinator, 
    # E.g. the below will create a cluster of 2 workers.
    # Optional: set a maximum to auto-scale to, if needed.
    # E.g. with the below, the cluster can scale up to 5 workers

# Let's define worker features of the cluster 
worker_config = prt.WorkerConfig(
    # Please make sure to use a worker size with
    #   privileged access.

# Creating the coordinator (master) worker:
coordinator_worker = prt.create_worker(
# - The above will NOT create the executors instantly.
# - You will only create one worker.
# - Additional executors will be created when needed.
# Since this is an interactive Spark cluster, 
#  let's login to execute some code.

notebook_url = coordinator_worker.open_notebook()

print("Page did not open? You can open this url manually:", notebook_url)

Please continue experimenting on the new browser tab

by opening the next notebook in this directory

# Done experimenting? Let's terminate the coordinator 
#  which will also terminate the cluster.

Previous: Batch Job | Next: Use Cluster