Using the interactive Spark Cluster Client
- This example demonstrates how to connect to the Practicus AI Spark cluster we created, and execute simple Spark operations.
- Please run this example on the
Spark Coordinator (master)
Behind the scenes
- After the above code, new Spark executors will start running.
- This is specific to auto-scaled Spark only and not the dfault behavior.
# And execute some code
data = [("Alice", 29), ("Bob", 34), ("Cathy", 23)]
columns = ["Name", "Age"]
# Create a DataFrame
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)
# Perform a transformation
df_filtered = df.filter(df.Age > 30)
# Show results
# Explicitly delete spark session
# Unlike the standard Spark cluster, the below won't work for auto-scaled.
# spark.stop()
Terminating the cluster
- You can go back to the other worker where you created the cluster to run:
- Or, terminate "self" and children workers with the below:
Previous: Start Cluster | Next: Batch > Batch Job