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Spark Custom Config

This code configures the necessary settings to connect to an S3 service. It includes the following steps:

  1. Access Keys:
  2. s3_access and s3_secret variables define the access key and secret key used to connect to AWS S3 or another S3-compatible service. These values are currently left empty.

  3. S3 Endpoint:

  4. s3_endpoint = "": The default endpoint for AWS S3 is specified here, which connects to the Amazon S3 service.

  5. Alternative Endpoint (Commented Out):

  6. # s3_endpoint = "http://prt-svc-sampleobj.prt-ns.svc.cluster.local": This line specifies an alternative endpoint for another S3-compatible service (e.g., Minio). However, it is currently commented out and not active.
s3_access = ""
s3_secret = ""

# For AWS S3 
s3_endpoint = ""
# For others, e.g. Minio
# s3_endpoint = "http://prt-svc-sampleobj.prt-ns.svc.cluster.local"

Spark Session Setup and S3 File Reading


This code sets up a Spark session to read a CSV file from an S3 bucket using the method. It configures Spark to use the S3 file system with the provided access credentials and endpoint.


  1. Extra Spark Configuration (extra_spark_conf):
  2. This dictionary defines additional configuration settings for Spark to work with S3:

    • "": "true": This enables path-style access for S3, which is necessary for some S3-compatible storage services.
    • "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key": s3_access: The access key to authenticate with the S3 service.
    • "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key": s3_secret: The secret key associated with the access key.
    • "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.endpoint": s3_endpoint: Specifies the endpoint to use when accessing the S3 service.
  3. Importing practicuscore and Spark Session:

  4. import practicuscore as prt: The code imports the practicuscore library, which is used to interact with the Spark engine.
  5. spark = prt.engines.get_spark_session(extra_spark_conf=extra_spark_conf): This line retrieves a Spark session using the configurations defined earlier. It includes the S3 credentials and endpoint settings.

  6. Reading the CSV File:

  7. df ="s3a://sample-bucket/boston.csv"): This reads the CSV file from the specified S3 bucket (sample-bucket) into a Spark DataFrame (df).
  8. "s3a://": The protocol used to read from S3-compatible storage.

  9. Displaying the First Few Rows:

  10. df.head(): Displays the first few rows of the DataFrame df to check the data.
extra_spark_conf = {
    "": "true",
    "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key" : s3_access,
    "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key" : s3_secret,
    "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.endpoint": s3_endpoint

import practicuscore as prt 

spark = prt.engines.get_spark_session(extra_spark_conf=extra_spark_conf)

df ="s3a://sample-bucket/boston.csv")

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