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import openai
import psycopg2
from datetime import datetime

Code Functionality

This code attempts to establish a connection to a PostgreSQL database using the psycopg2 library. If the connection is successful, it outputs a success message; otherwise, it captures and displays the error.

Key Components

  1. try Block:
  2. Attempts to connect to the database using the psycopg2.connect() function.
  3. Parameters such as host, database, user, and password are provided to define the connection details.

  4. except Exception as e:

  5. Captures any exceptions (errors) that occur during the connection attempt.
  6. Prints an error message that includes details of the exception (e).

  7. Success Message:

  8. If the connection is successful, "Connection successful!" is printed.
    connection = psycopg2.connect(
    print("Connection successful!")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Connection error: {e}")

Configuration Setup for OpenAI API and Database

Code Functionality

This code sets up the necessary configurations for: 1. Accessing the OpenAI API by specifying the API key. 2. Defining database connection parameters in a dictionary for later use.

Key Components

  1. openai.api_key = "..."
  2. Sets the API key for authenticating with the OpenAI API.
  3. The key is a string that identifies the user and grants access to OpenAI's services.
  4. Purpose: Enable interaction with OpenAI's models (e.g., GPT) in the application.

  5. db_config

  6. A dictionary containing database connection parameters:
    • host: The database server address (e.g., IP or domain name).
    • database: The name of the specific database to connect to.
    • user: The username for authentication.
    • password: The password for the database user.
  7. Purpose: Provide reusable configuration details for connecting to the PostgreSQL database.
openai.api_key = "..."

db_config = {
    "host": "...",
    "database": "...",
    "user": "...",
    "password": "..."

Creating a Conversations Table in PostgreSQL

Code Functionality

This code connects to a PostgreSQL database, creates a cursor object to execute SQL commands, and ensures that a conversations table exists. If the table doesn't exist, it is created. Finally, the changes are committed to the database.

Key Components

  1. Database Connection:
  2. conn = psycopg2.connect(**db_config):
    • Establishes a connection to the database using the db_config dictionary defined earlier.
  3. cursor = conn.cursor():

    • Creates a cursor object, which is used to execute SQL commands.
  4. SQL Command to Create Table:

  5. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS conversations:
    • Creates a table named conversations if it does not already exist.
  6. Table Schema:

    • id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY: Auto-incrementing unique identifier for each record.
    • session_id TEXT NOT NULL: A session identifier for grouping related conversations.
    • user_message TEXT: Stores messages sent by the user.
    • bot_response TEXT: Stores the chatbot's responses.
    • user_id TEXT: Identifies the user, allowing for user-specific data tracking.
    • timestamp TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: Records the time of each interaction, with a default value of the current time.
  7. Commit Changes:

  8. conn.commit():
    • Saves the executed SQL changes (table creation) to the database.
conn = psycopg2.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()
    session_id TEXT NOT NULL,
    user_message TEXT,
    bot_response TEXT,
    user_id TEXT,

Saving Conversations to the Database

Code Functionality

This function, save_conversation, inserts a single conversation record into the conversations table in the PostgreSQL database. It logs both the user message and the bot response, along with identifying information like the user ID and session ID.

Key Components

  1. Function Parameters:
  2. user_message: The message sent by the user.
  3. bot_response: The chatbot's reply to the user.
  4. user_id: A unique identifier for the user, enabling user-specific conversation tracking.
  5. session_id: A unique identifier for the session, grouping related conversations.

  6. SQL Command:

  7. INSERT INTO conversations (...) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s):

    • Adds a new record to the conversations table with the provided values.
    • Placeholders (%s) are used to securely pass dynamic data into the query, preventing SQL injection.
  8. Committing Changes:

  9. conn.commit():
    • Saves the new conversation record to the database.
def save_conversation(user_message, bot_response, user_id, session_id):
        "INSERT INTO conversations (user_message, bot_response, user_id, session_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
        (user_message, bot_response, user_id, session_id)

Retrieving Conversations from the Database

Code Functionality

The get_conversation function retrieves conversation records from the conversations table in the PostgreSQL database. It allows filtering by user ID, session ID, or both, and returns the conversation messages in chronological order.

Key Components

  1. Function Parameters:
  2. user_id (optional): Filters the records by a specific user.
  3. session_id (optional): Filters the records by a specific session.
  4. If no parameters are provided, it retrieves all conversations.

  5. Conditional Logic:

  6. Both user_id and session_id provided:
    • Retrieves conversations matching both user and session.
  7. Only user_id provided:
    • Retrieves all conversations for the specified user.
  8. Only session_id provided:
    • Retrieves all conversations for the specified session.
  9. No parameters:

    • Retrieves all conversations in the table.
  10. SQL Query:

  11. Dynamic Filtering:
    • Uses placeholders (%s) to securely include parameters in the query, preventing SQL injection.
  12. Ordering:

    • Results are sorted by the timestamp column in ascending order to maintain chronological order.
  13. Returning Data:

  14. cursor.fetchall():
    • Fetches all matching rows from the query result, returning a list of tuples with user_message and bot_response.
def get_conversation(user_id=None, session_id=None):
    if user_id and session_id:
        cursor.execute("SELECT user_message, bot_response FROM conversations WHERE user_id = %s AND session_id = %s ORDER BY timestamp ASC", (user_id, session_id))
    elif user_id:
        cursor.execute("SELECT user_message, bot_response FROM conversations WHERE user_id = %s ORDER BY timestamp ASC", (user_id,))
    elif session_id:
        cursor.execute("SELECT user_message, bot_response FROM conversations WHERE session_id = %s ORDER BY timestamp ASC", (session_id,))
        cursor.execute("SELECT user_message, bot_response FROM conversations ORDER BY timestamp ASC")
    return cursor.fetchall()

Chatting with OpenAI's API

Code Functionality

The chat_with_openai function interacts with OpenAI's GPT model to generate a response based on a user's input prompt. It handles potential errors gracefully and returns either the AI's response or an error message.

Key Components

  1. Input Parameter:
  2. prompt: A string input provided by the user, serving as the basis for the AI's response.

  3. OpenAI API Call:

  4. openai.ChatCompletion.create():

    • Sends a request to OpenAI's API to generate a response.
    • Parameters:
    • model="gpt-3.5-turbo": Specifies the model to be used.
    • messages: A list containing the conversation context, where the user's input is structured as a message with the role "user."
  5. Response Handling:

  6. response['choices'][0]['message']['content']:

    • Extracts the AI's generated text from the API response.
  7. Error Handling:

  8. try and except:
    • Catches any exceptions during the API call (e.g., network issues, API errors).
    • Returns an error message if an exception occurs.
def chat_with_openai(prompt):
        response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
            messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}]
        return response['choices'][0]['message']['content']
    except Exception as e:
        return f"Hata: {e}"

Main Function for Chatbot Interaction

Code Functionality

The main function serves as the entry point for a chatbot application. It facilitates interaction between the user and the chatbot by handling user inputs, fetching previous conversation history, generating responses via OpenAI's API, and saving the new interactions to a database.

Key Components

  1. Welcome Message:
  2. print("Welcome to Chatbot! (Type 'exit' to exit)"):

    • Greets the user and provides instructions to exit the chatbot.
  3. User and Session Information:

  4. user_id:
    • Captures the user's unique identifier.
  5. session_id:

    • Captures the session identifier, where a new value signifies a new chat session.
  6. Fetching Conversation History:

  7. get_conversation(user_id, session_id):
    • Retrieves previous conversations for the provided user_id and session_id.
  8. Displays the history to the user, if available, for context.

  9. Chat Loop:

  10. while True:
    • Keeps the chatbot active until the user types "exit".
  11. User Input:
    • Prompts the user to enter a message.
    • Exits the loop if the input is "exit".
  12. Generating Bot Response:
    • chat_with_openai(user_message):
    • Sends the user's message to OpenAI's API and fetches a bot response.
  13. Displaying Conversation:
    • Prints both the user's message and the bot's response to the console.
  14. Saving the Conversation:
    • save_conversation(user_message, bot_response, user_id, session_id):
    • Stores the interaction in the database for future reference.
def main():
    print("Welcome to Chatbot! (Type 'exit' to exit)")
    user_id = input("Please enter your user ID: ")
    session_id = input("Please enter your session ID (enter a new value for the new session): ")

    conversation_history = get_conversation(user_id=user_id, session_id=session_id)
    if conversation_history:
        print("\nPrevious Conversation History:")
        for user_message, bot_response in conversation_history:
            print(f"User: {user_message}\nBot: {bot_response}\n")

    while True:
        user_message = input("You: ")
        if user_message.lower() == "exit":
            print("Exit is in progress...")

        bot_response = chat_with_openai(user_message)
        print(f"User: {user_message}")
        print(f"Bot: {bot_response}")

        save_conversation(user_message, bot_response, user_id, session_id)

Running the Chatbot Application

Code Functionality

This block ensures the proper execution of the chatbot application by calling the main function and safely closing database resources when the program ends.

Key Components

  1. Entry Point:
  2. if __name__ == "__main__"::

    • Ensures that the main() function is executed only when the script is run directly, not when imported as a module.
  3. Executing the Chatbot:

  4. main():

    • Launches the chatbot application, allowing the user to interact with the AI and manage conversations.
  5. Resource Cleanup:

  6. finally::
    • Ensures that the following resources are closed properly, regardless of whether an exception occurs:
    • cursor.close():
    • Closes the database cursor to free up resources.
    • conn.close():
    • Closes the database connection to prevent resource leaks.
if __name__ == "__main__":

Supplementary Files


import streamlit as st
import psycopg2
import practicuscore as prt
from practicuscore.gen_ai import PrtLangMessage, PrtLangRequest
import requests
import html
import datetime

db_config = {
    "host": "...",
    "database": "...",
    "user": "...",
    "password": "..."

conn = psycopg2.connect(**db_config)
cursor = conn.cursor()

    user_message TEXT,
    bot_response TEXT,
    session_id TEXT,

def save_conversation(user_message, bot_response, session_id):
    if user_message and bot_response:
            "INSERT INTO conversations (user_message, bot_response, session_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
            (user_message, bot_response, session_id)
    elif user_message:
            "INSERT INTO conversations (user_message, session_id) VALUES (%s, %s)",
            (user_message, session_id)

def get_conversation(session_id=None, limit=5):
    if session_id:
            SELECT user_message, bot_response 
            FROM conversations 
            WHERE session_id = %s 
            ORDER BY timestamp DESC 
            LIMIT %s
        """, (session_id, limit))
            SELECT user_message, bot_response 
            FROM conversations 
            ORDER BY timestamp DESC 
            LIMIT %s
        """, (limit,))
    return cursor.fetchall()

def get_conversation_with_timestamps(session_id=None):
    if session_id:
        cursor.execute("SELECT user_message, bot_response, timestamp FROM conversations WHERE session_id = %s ORDER BY timestamp DESC", (session_id,))
        cursor.execute("SELECT user_message, bot_response, timestamp FROM conversations ORDER BY timestamp DESC")
    return cursor.fetchall()

def get_all_session_ids():
        SELECT session_id
        FROM conversations
        GROUP BY session_id
        ORDER BY MAX(timestamp) DESC
    return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]

def summarize_conversation(conversation_history):
    summary = "This is a summary of the conversation:\n"
    for user_message, bot_response in conversation_history:
        summary += f"User: {user_message}\nBot: {bot_response}\n"
    return summary

def render_chat_history(conversation_history):
    if conversation_history:
        for user_message, bot_response, timestamp in reversed(conversation_history):
            user_message = user_message if user_message is not None else ""
            bot_response = bot_response if bot_response is not None else ""
            formatted_timestamp = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") if timestamp else "Unknown"

                <div style='display: flex; align-items: flex-start; margin-bottom: 10px;'>
                    <div style='font-size: 1.5em; margin-right: 10px;'>👤</div>
                    <div style='background-color: #f0f8ff; color: #000; padding: 10px; border-radius: 10px; max-width: 70%;'>
                        <div style='font-size: 0.8em; color: #888; text-align: right;'>{formatted_timestamp}</div>

                <div style='display: flex; align-items: flex-start; flex-direction: row-reverse; margin-bottom: 10px;'>
                    <div style='font-size: 1.5em; margin-left: 10px;'>🤖</div>
                    <div style='background-color: #e8f5e9; color: #000; padding: 10px; border-radius: 10px; max-width: 70%;'>
                        <div style='font-size: 0.8em; color: #888; text-align: right;'>{formatted_timestamp}</div>
        st.markdown("No conversation history found.")

def delete_session(session_id):
    cursor.execute("DELETE FROM conversations WHERE session_id = %s", (session_id,))

def generate_response(prompt, model, session_id=None):
    api_url = "..."
    token = prt.models.get_session_token(api_url=api_url)

    conversation_history = get_conversation(session_id=session_id)
    context = summarize_conversation(conversation_history)

    full_prompt = context + "User: " + prompt

    practicus_llm_req = PrtLangRequest(
        messages=[PrtLangMessage(content=full_prompt, role="human")],

    headers = {
        'authorization': f'Bearer {token}',
        'content-type': 'application/json'

    data_js = practicus_llm_req.model_dump_json(indent=2, exclude_unset=True)

    with, headers=headers, data=data_js, stream=True) as r:
        for word in r.iter_content(1024):
            yield word.decode("utf-8")

st.set_page_config(page_title="Chatbot", layout="wide")
st.title("Chatbot App")

if "messages" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state["messages"] = []

if "session_saved" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state["session_saved"] = False

if "selected_session_id" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state["selected_session_id"] = None

chat_placeholder = st.empty()
with chat_placeholder.container():
    if st.session_state["selected_session_id"]:
        conversation_history = get_conversation_with_timestamps(session_id=st.session_state["selected_session_id"])
        st.write("Your conversation history will appear here.")

if st.button("Refresh"):
    if st.session_state["selected_session_id"]:
        conversation_history = get_conversation_with_timestamps(session_id=st.session_state["selected_session_id"])
        with chat_placeholder.container():

input_placeholder = st.empty()
with input_placeholder.container():
    user_message = st.text_input("Your messages:", placeholder="Write here...", key="chat_input")
    if st.button("Send"):
        if not st.session_state["selected_session_id"]:
            st.session_state["selected_session_id"] = "temporary_session"

        st.session_state["messages"].append({"role": "user", "content": user_message})
        bot_response = ""
        for chunk in generate_response(user_message, "gpt-4o", session_id=st.session_state["selected_session_id"]):
            bot_response += chunk
            st.session_state["messages"].append({"role": "bot", "content": chunk})
            with chat_placeholder.container():
                updated_conversation = get_conversation_with_timestamps(session_id=st.session_state["selected_session_id"]) + [(user_message, bot_response,]

        if bot_response.strip():
            save_conversation(user_message, bot_response, st.session_state["selected_session_id"])
            conversation_history = get_conversation_with_timestamps(session_id=st.session_state["selected_session_id"])
            with chat_placeholder.container():
            st.warning("A blank response was received, not recorded.")

with st.sidebar:
    st.header("Chat Management")

    st.subheader("Registered Chats")
    all_session_ids = get_all_session_ids()
    if all_session_ids:
        for sid in all_session_ids:
            cols = st.columns([9, 1])
            with cols[0]:
                if st.button(f"Session: {sid}"):
                    st.session_state["selected_session_id"] = sid
                    st.session_state["session_saved"] = True
            with cols[1]:
                if st.button("❌", key=f"delete_{sid}"):
                    st.session_state["selected_session_id"] = None
        st.write("No registered chat found.")

    st.subheader("Start New Chat")
    if st.button("New Chat"):
        st.session_state["selected_session_id"] = None
        st.session_state["messages"] = []
        st.session_state["session_saved"] = False
        st.query_params = {}

    if st.session_state["session_saved"]:
        st.write(f"Selected Session ID: {st.session_state['selected_session_id']}")

    if st.button("Save"):
        if not st.session_state["session_saved"]:
            st.session_state["selected_session_id"] = st.text_input("New Chat ID", placeholder="Enter new chat id")
            cursor.execute("SELECT session_id FROM conversations WHERE session_id = %s", (st.session_state["selected_session_id"],))
            if cursor.fetchone():
                st.warning("This session is already exist.")
                cursor.execute("INSERT INTO conversations (session_id) VALUES (%s)", (st.session_state["selected_session_id"],))
                st.success(f"Chat saved: {st.session_state['selected_session_id']}")
                st.session_state["session_saved"] = True

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