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Practicus AI Workers

This example demonstrates a typical workflow for using Practicus AI Workers:

Create a Worker:

Request a new worker with the required resources (CPU, RAM, GPU) from Practicus AI. This usually takes a few seconds.

Open JupyterLab or VS Code:

Once the worker is ready, launch JupyterLab or VS Code directly on it. Within this environment, you can:

  • Develop and run code interactively
  • Explore and process data
  • Train and evaluate machine learning models

Perform Tasks:

Inside JupyterLab or VS Code, run Python notebooks, scripts, or leverage integrated libraries and frameworks.

Terminate the Worker:

After finishing your tasks, stop or delete the worker. You can always start a new one later, ensuring a clean environment each time.

This approach provides an isolated, on-demand environment for efficient development, scaling, and maintaining a clean slate for each new task.

Creating a Worker with Default Settings

Let's start by creating a worker with the default configuration.

# Import the Practicus AI SDK
import practicuscore as prt
# Create a worker using default settings
worker = prt.create_worker()
# Start JupyterLab on the worker and open it in a new browser tab

# To use VS Code instead of JupyterLab, uncomment the line below:
# worker.open_vscode()
# After using the worker, terminate it:

# If you're inside a worker environment, you can self-terminate by running:
# prt.get_local_worker().terminate()

Creating a Customized Worker

Now let's create a worker with a custom configuration, specifying a custom image, size, and a startup script.

# Define a custom worker configuration
worker_config = prt.WorkerConfig(
    echo "Hello Practicus AI" > ~/hello.txt

# Create the worker with the custom configuration
worker = prt.create_worker(worker_config)
# Verify that hello.txt exists in the home directory:

Working with the Region Class

  • You can interact with multiple regions and perform most operations by using the Region class.
  • If running inside a worker, you can easily access the current region and perform actions directly.
# Get the current region
region = prt.current_region()

# You could also connect to a different region
# region = prt.get_region("")
print("Current region:")

It will print something like:

username: my-user-name
is_default: True

Worker Sizes

Worker sizes define the CPU, RAM, GPU, and other resources allocated to a worker.

# List available worker sizes
for worker_size in region.worker_size_list:

Smart Listing with PrtList

PrtList is a specialized list type that can be toggled as read-only and easily converted to CSV, DataFrame, or JSON. Many results returned by the SDK are PrtList objects.

# Convert worker sizes to a pandas DataFrame
df = region.worker_size_list.to_pandas()

Worker Images

Worker images define the base container image and features available on the worker.

df = region.worker_image_list.to_pandas()
print("Available worker images:")

Worker Logs

You can view the logs of a worker to debug issues or review activities.

if prt.running_on_a_worker():
    print("Code is running on a worker, will use 'self' (local worker).")
    worker = prt.get_local_worker()
    print("Code not running on a worker, creating a new one.")
    worker = prt.create_worker()

print("Worker logs:")

worker_logs = worker.get_logs()
if "some error" in worker_logs:
    print("Found 'some error' in logs")

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