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Sharing Workers

To allow another user to access a Practicus AI worker you’ve created, you can run the code below and then share the connection details. This provides a quick way to collaborate on the same environment, including data and code.

Important Note: Any user you share a worker with will have access to the contents of your ~/my and ~/shared directories.

import practicuscore as prt 

# To share the worker you are currently using,
#  first get a reference to 'self'
worker = prt.get_local_worker()

# To start and share a worker, create a worker as usual, e.g.
# worker = prt.create_worker(worker_config)

# The rest of the code will be the same
# To share using Jupyter Lab
url = worker.open_notebook(get_url_only=True)

print("Jupyter Lab login url:", url)
# To share using VS Code
url, token = worker.open_vscode(get_url_only=True)

print("VS Code login url:", url)
print("VS Code token    :", token)

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