Access and Refresh JWT tokens
- In this example we will show how to login to a Practicus AI region and get access and or refresh tokens.
- Access tokens are short lived, refresh tokens are long.
- Refresh tokens allow you the ability to store your login credentials without actually storing your password
- JWT tokens are human readable, you can visit and view what is inside the token.
- Is this secure? Yes, does not store tokens and decryption happens with javascript on your browser.
- Who can create JWT tokens? Practicus AI tokens are asymmetric, one can read what is inside a token but cannot create a new one without the secret key. Only your system admin has access to secrets.
- Can I use a token created for one Practicus AI region for another region? By default, no. If your admin deployed the regions in "federated" mode, yes.
# Method 1) If you are already logged in, or if you are running this code on a Practicus AI Worker.
region = prt.regions.get_default_region()
# Get tokens for the current region.
refresh_token, access_token = region.get_refresh_and_access_token()
# Will print long strings like eyJ...
print("Refresh token:", refresh_token)
print("Access token:", access_token)
# Method 2) You are logging in using the SDK on your laptop,
# Or, you are running this code on a worker in a region, but logging in to another region.
# Optionally, you can log-out first
# prt.auth.logout(all_regions=True)
practicus_url = ""
# Tip: region.url shows the current Practicus AI service URL that you are logged-in to.
email = ""
print(f"Please enter the password for {email} to login {practicus_url}")
password = getpass.getpass()
some_practicus_region = prt.auth.login(
# Optional parameters:
# Instead of using a password, you can login using a refresh token or access token
# refresh_token = ... will keep logged in for many days
# access_token = ... will keep logged in for some minutes
# By default, your login token is stored for future use under ~/.practicus/core.conf, to disable:
# save_config = False
# By default, your password is not saved under ~/.practicus/core.conf, to enable:
# save_password = True
# Now you can get as many refresh/access tokens as you need.
refresh_token, access_token = some_practicus_region.get_refresh_and_access_token()
print("Refresh token:", refresh_token)
print("Access token:", access_token)
# If you just need an access token.
access_token = region.get_access_token()
print("Access token:", access_token)
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